Photo Project - #DVR_Jan3
Topic for 03 January 2017
For the full list of topics, and how to take part, click here.
Outfit of the day? A juicy apple? Truth is, it doesn't really matter. What we're interested in is the caption. We want to know what you think about when someone says "red". Remember the photography aspect to this project is secondary - the key aim is connecting with others and engaging on Instagram.
Please do invite your friends to join. The more the merrier.
Please remember to use the following hashtag or we won't be able to follow your work.
#DVR_Jan3 #IG_PhotoProject
Have fun with your caption,
Diana von R
For the full list of topics, and how to take part, click here.
Hashtag help
#DVR_Jan3 #IG_PhotoProject
#Red #instamood #PhotoOfTheDay #rednails #ootd #flatlay #guitar #muse #hysteria #guitarporn #guitarspotter #pluginbaby #WorkThatWorks #SmallBusiness #SBS #Freelancer #creativemess #workspace
The above are hashtags I might use for the two images on this page