Photo Project - January 2017
Do you start a project every year you don't finish?
Why don't you join this journey with me? The project has a clear end date so you are more likely to feel the satisfaction from reaching the goal.
The project lasts from 1st to 31st January 2017. Each day there will be a new topic. You can look at the topics in advance so you can plan what photo you want to take. You don't have to do it every day, but you should have a clear idea of the number you want to achieve when you start.
The photography aspect to this challenge is secondary. The key thing I want to achieve is to build up the community - connect with others by engaging on their posts. The topics I've chosen should be easily carried out for those that don't have time to actively go on a photowalk. There should be something around the home/workplace for you to snap something. As I said, the photography aspect is secondary - explain who, what, why, when, where of the photo in the caption.
So we can find your post easily, please use #IG_PhotoProject as well as the corresponding topic hashtag.
Each day there will be a new blog post which will give you some suggested hashtags to use; I will pick my favourites and feature them in the blog (with link back to your page too). I will also Repost some on my Instagram account.
What will you have gained?
- Enjoyment from having a purpose to your Instagram account
- More engaged followers from other active Instagram users
- Planned content for a month
- Better positioning in the news feed as a result of the increase in engagement
- Renew or develop your love of photography
List of Daily Topics
#DVR_Jan7 Faceless Stranger
#DVR_Jan8 Flying
#DVR_Jan9 Daily habit
#DVR_Jan10 Charity
#DVR_Jan11 Neighbours
#DVR_Jan12 Shop Sign
#DVR_Jan13 Pink
#DVR_Jan14 Bed
#DVR_Jan15 Landscape
#DVR_Jan16 Meat Free Monday
#DVR_Jan17 Outfit Of The Day
#DVR_Jan18 Sky
#DVR_Jan19 Toys
#DVR_Jan20 Door
#DVR_Jan21 Shadow
#DVR_Jan22 Stairs
#DVR_Jan23 FlatLay
#DVR_Jan24 Black & White
#DVR_Jan25 Iconic
#DVR_Jan26 Urban Nature
#DVR_Jan27 Consumerism
#DVR_Jan28 Street Furniture
#DVR_Jan29 Look Down
#DVR_Jan30 Favourite Snack
#DVR_Jan31 Celebration
- Take the photo in advance but post on the day you are meant to. If you post with everyone else you are more likely to get engagement from others looking at the hashtag.
- Ask your friends to take part too so you can do it together.
- Apply the same filter so your feed looks consistent even with disjointed topics
- Remember we are all on a different path. It doesn't have to be photography for the sake of it. I had dropped out of previous photo challenges as I didn't think my standard was up to it, or I had missed some and felt there was no point in continuing. Just go for the target you aimed for, and if you can't hit that due to unforeseen circumstances that's fine too.