Osbornes Law - Vanity Fair style shoot on Hampstead Underground!

Osbornes Law Hampstead Underground Diana von R Hampstead Mums

I was really excited to take these photos for Osbornes Law. The brief was to create Vanity Fair style photos in iconic Burgh House. I researched how to pose a group of 7, at varying heights and in a not-too-sexy way (unlike the actual Vanity Fair shoots) and came up with these. There was a lot of research and preparation behind these photos, watching videos of masterclasses by Anne Leibovitz- seeing how she sets up her lighting and how to edit in photoshop afterwards.

Anne Leibovitz actually uses a huge composite shoot, taking a photo of the background first, then lighting each individual. Instead, we had 2 off camera lights to ensure everyone was lit evenly.

I was delighted to see the photos up as adverts in the Hampstead Underground. It was really great to work on this photo shoot together with Alexa Roche, showing once again community under competition.